WOW Programme

logo of Renaissance College RCHK World of Work (WOW) Programme


Each year, Year 11 students are offered opportunities to not only learn about the world of work and explore possible career options but also to actively develop skills for future enterprise and employability.

The work placements within the “WOW” programme, involve working alongside professionals as they go about their daily business, and are, for many students, the highlight of their school year where they may have the opportunity to gain a real insight into the challenges and opportunities of work.

The “WOW” programme is set up aiming to introduce to students the real “World of Work” and help them channel their future subject choices and career aspirations.


As things are gradually returning to normal, we are hopeful that we will be able to run the WOW programme this year from Monday, 31 October to Friday, 11 November. The students are in charge of sourcing their own internships based on their career aspirations and subject interests. However, this year’s situation may raise challenge for them as many organisations and companies comply with Covid-19 Vaccination/ Regular Testing Arrangement to protect themselves and their employees. We need our community to help!


Year 11 students receive their work experience placements every year in November, as part of their "WOW" World of Work Programme at RCHK.

We ask for your help – if you are able to offer an interesting and informative work placement in Hong Kong, or know anyone who can provide our students with real-life work experience, please let us know by filling out the WOW EMPLOYER PARTICIPATION SURVEY by Friday 7 October 2022. 

Insurance for the students is covered by the school, and the prospective ’employers’ will be given full guidance of what is expected from them and the students during the placement experience.

For more information, please refer to the below documents or contact our WOW Programme Coordinator, Ms. Wilma Shen at

WOW Documents