Graduate Destinations
With guidance and support from RCHK Further Education counsellors, our policy is to support six to ten applications per student who generally receive multiple offers, ensuring an extremely high success rate in securing places at university.
We are proud to see the majority of our graduates studying a diverse range of subjects around the world including art and design, law, medicine, pharmacy, sciences and engineering, education, philosophy and literature, film studies, hospitality management, economics and business.
According to our 2021/22 data, which also indicates an overall year-on-year trend, our class of 2022 is studying at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom (37%), Hong Kong (26%), Canada (8%) and the United States of America (13%), as well as Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands and Mainland China.
School Profile and Final Destinations
Prior to the COVDI-19 pandemic, Hong Kong experienced civil unrest. This resulted in transport disruptions and government-ordered school closures from 14-19 Nov 2019, emotionally impacting RCHK students, staff and families.
When COVID-19 initially struck, the Hong Kong Government quickly implemented social distancing measures and all schools were issued a city-wide closure order from 27 Jan 2020. At that point, RCHK students and staff switched to online learning. The order was lifted on 21 May 2020, four months later. MYP students were allowed a staggering return to campus and followed a hybrid learning model, while Year 12 students were able to return to class until the end of the academic year on 23 June 2020.
Unfortunately, a third COVID-19 wave in July meant that the physical start of the 2020-21 school year had to be pushed back. RCHK again moved seamlessly to online learning. Following control of the third wave, Year 1, 12 and 13 students returned from 16 September 2020, with the other year levels all returning to school by the end of September 2020.
Over the course of 2020, RCHK has not changed its academic calendar dates, IB courses available, IB grading scale of 1-7 or graduation requirements.